Check Out A Factory Market And Discover What Easter Time is Like in Barcelona

April 7, 2022

Discover how Easter is celebrated in Spain and Catalunya


Factory Market

You can find fashion design, jewelry, home decor, natural cosmetics, vintage clothing, painting and much more. There will be good music and vermouth in the sun.

Admission is free but capacity is limited, so book your ticket here!


The start of Easter celebrations begins on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter Sunday, which is known here in Spain as Domingo de Ramos, or Diumenge de Rams in Catalan.

Processions are organized at churches across the city of Barcelona and children can be seen waving modern-day palms – some made of authentic palm, others paper, or even olive wood. If you want to see the stands where this type of traditional object is sold, you can go to Rambla Catalunya or near Sagrada Familia. 

Good Friday and Easter Sunday are two important days when spectacular processions take place outside the Cathedral of Barcelona and during which people gather with their families and go to the masses. 

Check Out More Information Here About Palm Sunday!



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